About SAWC
Salem Area Women's Club GFWC-NH
Since 1926, the Salem Area Women's Club GFWC-NH (SAWC) has worked locally to be the power of good in our community, making a difference through philanthropy and outreach programs while fostering connections, awareness, and life-long friendships
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1015, Salem, NH 03079
Email: SalemAreaWomensClub@Gmail.com
Meeting Location:
Derry-Salem Elks Lodge
39 Shadow Lake Rd, Salem
Meeting Days & Time:
1st Tuesday of the month from 11:30am-1:30pm
Current Membership: 100+​​
SAWC Board of Directors
Officers and Committee Chairwomen
Name | Job Title |
Patti Drelick | President |
Open | V.P./Membership Development |
Cindy Hunzelman | Treasurer |
Elaine Sincavage | Recording Secretary |
Shamim Calcuttawala | Corresponding Secretary |
Sarah Friend | Arts & Culture |
Maria Baribeau | Communications & P. R. |
Darlene Daniele | Education & Libraries |
Anne Reynolds | Environment |
Connie O'Connell | Health & Wellness |
TBD | Civic Engagement & Outreach |
GFWC-NH's purpose is to bring together all General, Junior, and Juniorette Clubs in the State for cooperation and mutual helpfulness and to promote the highest interest of the community and State.
Mailing Address:
P.O Box 1094
Concord, NH 03302
United States
Email: info@gfwcnh.org
Web: gfwcnh.org
GFWC-NH Board of Directors
Officers and Committee Chairwomen
Denise Raisanen
President GFWC-NH
Donna Maskwa
President-elect GFWC-NH
Dolores VanBlarcom
Vice President GFWC-NH
Sheila Casey
Recording Secretary GFWC-NH
Mary Ryan
Treasurer GFWC-NH
Pam Conary
Corresponding Secretary GFWC-NH
General Federation of Women's Clubs
Founded in 1890, GFWC is an International women's organization dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service. Collectively, we are Living the Volunteer Spirit.
Mailing Address:
GFWC Headquarters
1734 N Street NW
Washington, DC 20036-2990
GFWC Board of Directors
2024 - 2026
Officers and Committee Chairwomen
Suellen Brazil
GFWC International President
Wendy Carriker
GFWC President-Elect
Jolie R. Frankfurth
GFWC First Vice President
Mary Beth Williams
GFWC Second Vice President
Susan Gettys
GFWC Secretary
Juliet Casper
GFWC Treasurer
Shannon Bailey
Director Of Junior Clubs
Carol Habgood