Club News Archive
Celebrating Community Champions
On Wed, June 12, at the Seales Chapel, Windham, a festive celebration was held to honor eight Community Champions whom the SAWC has partnered with this past year. This elegant reception featured champagne, charcuterie, and live music to set the stage for presenting our newly created SAWC CommUNITY Champions Award to these outstanding individuals and organizations nominated by our core Community Service Committees. Each Award recipient also received a $500 donation for their chosen non-profits’ tremendous work to better our communities.

June 2024
Thank you
As an organization, we are indebted to this outstanding group of women and wish to recognize the following Board members for their incredible 2022-2024 term of service, and are now stepping down from the Board:​
Norma Lapointe, Recording Secretary
Sandy Carlson, Corresponding Secretary
Rachel Kingston, Vice President

Committee Chairs
Joanne Cuomo, Arts & Culture
Deb Slein and Laura Andolino, Civic Engagement and Outreach
Linda Molchan and Connie O’Connell, Health & Wellness
Linda Simmons, Environment

SAWC Receives Awards at
GFWC-NH Annual Meeting
At GFWC-NH’s Annual Meeting in May, our Club received seven Awards for its outstanding efforts in the past year. Congratulations to all of our Members for their creativity, caring, and outstanding leadership in these initiatives. A special acknowledgment goes to our Committee Chairs for their leadership in involving our members and sharing the rewards of giving back to our community.
SAWC received recognition for the following:
Outstanding Membership Recruitment Award: For being the top recruiter in the State with 69 new members joining our Club during this 2022-24 term! (Bringing our total membership to 116!)
Health & Wellness CSP - Top Project Award: For our support of Mental Health through Center for Life Management and the sponsoring of their Ginger Z event: Mental Health goes Behind the Smile.
Education & Libraries CSP: Club Creativity Award: For our Storybook Hugs Project and providing classrooms with colorfully painted Rocking Chairs for the Storybook Readers.
Civic Engagement & Outreach CSP/Homeless & Food Insecurity: Top Project Award: For providing the food and preparation of a Meal a Month at Family Promise of Southern NH.
Arts & Culture CSP: Top Project Award: For our Flower Hugs Project, the joyful power of flowers.
Arts & Culture CSP - Club Creativity Award: For being so creative with the naming of our Reports for GFWC Reporting, particularly "The Sweet Sounds of Summer" in describing our sponsorship donation towards the Field of Dreams Concert Series.
2022-24 GFWC-NH Community Impact Program Award for the ‘TOTE’ Project (Pathways of Transitional Opportunities To Evolve). This was a two-year project and commitment to support Family Promise of Southern NH and their 60 residents with $10k donation, remodel their family room, purchasing the food and preparing monthly meals for 2 years, and the planting of an outdoor garden area.
2024 Club President’s Choice: Each Year, GFWC-NH also asks Club Presidents to identify a single Club project that they believe best reflects the “Sparkle and Shine” of the Club’s Members. This year Patti submitted the Arts & Culture’s Cultural Celebration with Taste Around the World luncheon.