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Image by Domenico Loia

Our Mission

To facilitate efficient communication among our club members, committees, and stakeholders, we employ a variety of platforms, including social media, printed media, and our club website. These mediums ensure that information is disseminated effectively and in a timely manner.

Communications & Public Relations


December 2023


The SAWC website was created last year, and new features have been added this year. The Help section is now easily accessible from the website's header or the About tab, providing information on how to set up an account, log volunteer hours, and RSVP to an event.

RSVPing for most club events is now more straightforward, with the option to do so through the Calendar or Events tab. You can also view a list of attendees or see which events you have already RSVP'd to. See the Help section for instructions. Knowing who is attending an event is crucial, and the SAWC website makes it easy to keep track.


Reporting your Volunteer Hours

Our annual report to the State organization is coming up soon. We need your help to make it happen. If you've volunteered or attended club meetings this calendar year, please log your hours on our website. Committee chairs will use this information to create an individual report for each project. If you're part of a committee, ask your chair if they need help with the writing process. Last year, over 100 reports were composed in just two weeks!


SAWC's Geek Squad

Looking for some help with your computer? Maybe you need a brief tutorial on navigating the SAWC website, using Word to write a document, or exploring Facebook to stay in touch with friends. You can take advantage of the first hour of our monthly meeting to bring your laptop or tablet and get your questions answered in a collaborative and informative setting. If you prefer a quieter learning environment, we also offer house calls! Call Jaimie at 551-427-4697 or email for more information.


2024 Yearbook 

It's time to start working on the 2024 yearbook! Before we begin, we need to make sure that all the information in last year's edition is still accurate. If you don't have a copy handy, you can find the current yearbook in the Sister's Only Section on the website. This is also a great opportunity to update your photo! If you're new to the club this year, please send a headshot to the provided Gmail address and make sure to save the photo with your name. If you have any changes to the information, please email us at  All updates are due by December 1.


Newsletter Articles 

If you're interested in submitting an article for the monthly newsletter, please to send it to by the 20th day of each month. Be sure to come up with an engaging headline and include all the standard details like who, what, when, where, and how and any pictures you’ve taken. Also, please include your contact information and other pertinent details.  


More Changes to the Website:


The club calendar is now linked to all of our events.  If you want to RSVP/pay for an event, you can look for it on the calendar or in the Events section.  The Event section is sorted by groups 

  • All Events

  • General Membership Meetings

  • Committee Meetings

  • SAWC Events/Volunteer Opportunities

  • Partner Events

  • GFWC-NH/GFWC Events

Same information, just different ways to look at it

  • Facebook

Address. P.O. Box 1015, Salem, NH  03079

Tel. 603-818-9172 


Proud members of the

General Federation of Women's Clubs

General Federation of Women's Clubs - NH

© 2024 Salem Area Women's Club GFWC-NH

Club meetings: 1st Tuesday of the month (Sep-Jun)

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM.  Derry-Salem Elks Lodge.

We'd love to hear from you!
GFWC NH logo cleaner.jpg

Thanks for submitting. We'll be in touch soon!

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