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Civic Engagement '22-'23

The Team

Who We Are

Deb Slein* | Jaimie Baker | Laura Andolino | Linda Harvey | Norma Lapointe* | Susan Molthon | Susan Raymond

*Committee Chairs

January Spotlight Information

We highlighted the following organizations this year at our January 2023 meeting:


Brigid’s House of Hope is a long term, transitional safe house for survivors of Human Trafficking in New Hampshire and surrounding areas.


Brigid’s House of Hope

Bethany Cottrell, Ashley Emery



End 68 Hours of Hunger addresses the food shortage children experience between the free lunch they receive at school on Friday afternoon and the free breakfast they receive at school on Monday morning, 68 hours later.


End 68 Hours of Hunger

Tara Bazydlo, Deb Payne



Family Promise

Through safe housing and education, Family Promise guides families as they break the cycle and rise from homelessness to sustainable independence.  


Family Promise

Pam Wellman, Matt Hodgkiss

603- 883-7338


The Homeland Heroes Foundation offers an array of supportive services to active-duty service members, veterans, and their families in their time of need to help restore a sense of community, independence, and well-being at home.


​Homeland Heroes

Julie Weymouth

603- 458-1275

End 68 Hours of Hunger

We shopped for End 58 Hours of Hunger to meet a specific need of laundry detergent, fabric softener, bars of bath soap, and liquid soap.

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Poll Worker Appreciation Baskets


Designed and delivered thank-you baskets for poll workers on election days.

Family Promise (Nashua)


Purchased, prepared, and cooked a meal once a month for Family Promise, Nashua.


Completed the "family room" project at Family Promise.

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Address. P.O. Box 1015, Salem, NH  03079

Tel. 603-818-9172 


Proud members of the

General Federation of Women's Clubs

General Federation of Women's Clubs - NH

© 2024 Salem Area Women's Club GFWC-NH

Club meetings: 1st Tuesday of the month (Sep-Jun)

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM.  Derry-Salem Elks Lodge.

We'd love to hear from you!
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Thanks for submitting. We'll be in touch soon!

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